Introducing Intake Breathing
Intake is a revolutionary nasal dilator designed to transform your breathing experience. It unlocks unprecedented nasal airflow, enabling users to breathe through their nose with a level of ease and efficiency never experienced before. It's not just a product; it's a gateway to enhanced health and vitality.
What sets us apart
We pick up where the other guys left off—and take it to the next level. Here are some of the differences you can expect with Intake.
Nasal Strip
Actually opens your nose
Intake doesn’t flex, so your nose opens to the size Band you wear.
Intake is built strong and durable so your nose stays open right where you want it.
Stays on all day/night
Intake keeps your nasal passages open for consistent, uninterrupted breathing.
Skin safe
Intake uses a magnetic band to hold your nose open—not the bridge of your nose—to ensure your skin stays where it belongs.
Withstands sweat
Our tabs wick sweat. No more nasal strips peeling off mid-workout.
Nasal strips have very little structure. When you inhale, they can still collapse.
Nasal strips don’t hold your nose open as wide as Intake.
Falls off
Don’t wake up with your nasal strip stuck to your pillow again.
Hurts your skin
Nasal strips stick to the bridge of your nose using an aggressive adhesive. When you pull it off, your skin goes with it.
Doesn't withstand sweat
Nasal strips are a single piece of material that wiggle themselves off, especially when met with moisture.
Three Easy Steps
Our innovative two-part system uses magnetic Tabs to expand your nasal passages to their fullest extent. The adhesive used is minimal and only attaches to the exterior of your nose. Coupled with a supportive Band, this system guarantees extended wear, optimal comfort, and exceptional airflow.
Clean your nose
Apply your Tabs
Attach your Band
Daytime and Nighttime Relief
Nasal breathing is essential for optimal health and performance. Intake helps support each and every breath, whether you’re wearing it through a whole night’s sleep or your afternoon workout.
Support your nervous system and sleep cycle so you can fully recharge and be ready for the day.
+ Reduce Snoring
+ Improve Oral Health
+ Rest and Recharge
+ Increase energy levels
Help sharpen your focus and boost your endurance while you’re up and at ‘em.
+ Maximize recovery
+ Lower heart rate
+ Boost oxygen absorption
+ Optimize performance